
A DispatchScope for testing purposes that registers dispatched actions.


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abstract fun clearActionsHistory()

Clears history and unverified.

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abstract fun dispatch(action: Action)
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abstract fun onDispatch(block: MutableDispatchScope<State>.(Action) -> Unit)

Sets a block that will be called on every dispatch called by component under test. Each call replaces previously provided block.


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abstract var closure: DispatchClosure
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abstract var currentState: State
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abstract val history: List<Action>

Contains all dispatched actions history.

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abstract val unverified: Queue<Action>

Contains all unverified dispatched actions queue. If action is verified, it must be pulled from this queue.


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Returns a string that contains list of all dispatched actions. The action recently pulled form the queue is marked with '->'.

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Asserts that first unverified action is equal to action.

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inline fun <T : Action> ActionsAssertScope.assertActionOfType(assertions: (T) -> Unit = {})

Asserts that first unverified action is an instance of type T. Also, it applies additional assertions.

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Asserts that there are only actions dispatched in given order and no more.

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Asserts that all dispatched actions count is equal to count. It does not pull any action from unverified queue.

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fun ActionsAssertScope.assertEveryAction(message: String? = null, predicate: (Action) -> Boolean)

Asserts that every unverified action matches the predicate.

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Asserts that there is no dispatched actions.

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Asserts that there is no unverified actions left.

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Asserts that first unverified action is equal to action and it is the only one dispatched action.

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inline fun <T : Action> ActionsAssertScope.assertSingleActionOfType(assertions: (T) -> Unit = {})

Asserts that first unverified action is an instance of T and it is the only one dispatched action. Also, it applies additional assertions.

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Returns first unverified action.

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Prints information about dispatched actions based on actionStackString.

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Skips first n unverified actions.

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Skips actions while predicate is true.

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Skips first unverified action.

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Skips all unverified actions.