
interface DispatchScope<out State>

The scope for accessing current state of the Redux store and dispatching actions. Beside standard Redux operations, it introduces a DispatchClosure mechanism.


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abstract fun dispatch(action: Action)

This is equivalent to Redux dispatch.


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abstract val closure: DispatchClosure

There is no equivalent to this in original Redux. It provides a current DispatchClosure. It remains immutable. However, elements inside might mutate depending on their implementation.

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abstract val currentState: State

This is equivalent to Redux getState.


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val DispatchScope<*>.coroutineScope: CoroutineScope

Returns CoroutineScope associated with a store.

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Dispatches action and expects any middleware to launch a single foreground job logically associate with it. Coroutine is launched in a scope provided by DispatchCoroutineScope.

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fun DispatchScope<*>.dispatchJobIn(action: ForegroundJobAction, scope: CoroutineScope): Job

Dispatches action and expects any middleware to launch a single foreground job logically associate with it. Coroutine is launched in the scope.

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Dispatches action and expects any middleware to launch a single foreground job logically associate with it. This function suspends until foreground job is finished. When coroutine that calls this function is cancelled, foreground job is also cancelled.

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fun DispatchScope<*>.synchronized(block: suspend DispatchScope<*>.() -> Unit): Job

Runs given block as a coroutine in DispatchScope.coroutineScope. Effectively it ensures that any operation on a DispatchScope inside a block runs on proper thread.

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inline fun <T> DispatchScope<*>.withLocalClosure(closure: DispatchClosure, newFrame: Boolean = false, block: DispatchScope<*>.() -> T): T

Adds local changes to LocalClosureContainer with a given closure for a time of block execution.