Package-level declarations


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interface Queue<T> : Collection<T>

A Collection that mutates in a FIFO manner.

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A DispatchScope for testing purposes that registers dispatched actions.

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ReduKt store for testing purposes that registers dispatched actions.


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fun <T> emptyQueue(): Queue<T>

Creates empty queue of type T.

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inline fun <T> Queue<T>.pullEach(block: (T) -> Unit)
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fun <T> queueOf(vararg items: T): Queue<T>

Creates a queue of type T with initial items in a given order.

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fun <State> TestDispatchScope(initialState: State, initialClosure: DispatchClosure = EmptyDispatchClosure, initialOnDispatch: MutableDispatchScope<State>.(Action) -> Unit = { }): TestDispatchScope<State>
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fun <State> TestStore(initialState: State, initialClosure: DispatchClosure = EmptyDispatchClosure, initialOnDispatch: MutableDispatchScope<State>.(Action) -> Unit = { }, strict: Boolean = true): TestStore<State>

Creates a TestStore with initialState, initialClosure and strict. If strict is true, every TestStore.test must verify every dispatched action.

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Transforms collection into Queue.