inline fun <Request, Response, State> createDataSourceReducer(key: PureDataSourceKey<DataSource<Request, Response>>, crossinline onStart: PayloadReducer<State, DataSourcePayload.Started<Request, Response>> = { s, _ -> s }, crossinline onSuccess: PayloadReducer<State, DataSourcePayload.Success<Request, Response>> = { s, _ -> s }, crossinline onFailure: PayloadReducer<State, DataSourcePayload.Failure<Request, Response>> = { s, _ -> s }, crossinline onElse: Reducer<State> = { s, _ -> s }): Reducer<State>
Creates a Reducer that:
Calls onStart on DataSourceAction with DataSourcePayload.Started and a given key.
Calls onSuccess on DataSourceAction with DataSourcePayload.Success and a given key.
Calls onFailure on DataSourceAction with DataSourcePayload.Failure and a given key.
Calls onElse otherwise.
By default, all branches return state unchanged.
Example of usage:
val reducer: Reducer<AppState> = createDataSourceReducer(
key = FooDataSource,
onStart = { state, (request) -> TODO("Create new state here") },
onSuccess = { state, (request, response) -> TODO("Create new state here") },
onFailure = { state, (request, error) -> TODO("Create new state here") },
onElse = { state, action -> TODO("Create new state here") },
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inline fun <Request, Response, State> createDataSourceReducer(key: PureDataSourceKey<DataSource<Request, Response>>, crossinline onStart: PayloadReducer<State, DataSourcePayload.Started<Request, Response>> = { s, _ -> s }, noinline onResult: PayloadReducer<State, DataSourceResultPayload<Request, Response>> = { s, _ -> s }, crossinline onElse: Reducer<State> = { s, _ -> s }): Reducer<State>
Creates a Reducer that:
Calls onStart on DataSourceAction with DataSourcePayload.Started and a given key.
Calls onResult with kotlin.Result on DataSourceAction with DataSourcePayload.Success or DataSourcePayload.Failure and a given key.
Calls onElse otherwise.
Example of usage:
val reducer: Reducer<AppState> = createDataSourceReducer(
key = FooDataSource,
onStart = { state, (request) -> TODO("Create new state here") },
onResult = { state, (request, result) -> TODO("Create new state here") },
onElse = { state, action -> TODO("Create new state here") },
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