data class DataSourceAction<Request, Response>(val key: PureDataSourceKey<DataSource<Request, Response>>, val payload: DataSourcePayload<Request, Response>) : Action
An action associated with a DataSource identified by a given key. It represents an event that is described by a given payload.
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fun <Request, Response> DataSourceAction(key: PureDataSourceKey<DataSource<Request, Response>>, payload: DataSourcePayload<Request, Response>)
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inline fun <Request, Response, T : DataSourceAction<Request, Response>> Action?.asDataSourceAction(key: PureDataSourceKey<DataSource<Request, Response>>): T?
Returns this as T if it is an instance of DataSourceAction associated with given key.
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inline fun <Request, Response, T : DataSourceAction<Request, Response>> DataSourceAction<*, *>?.asOf(key: PureDataSourceKey<DataSource<Request, Response>>): T?
Returns this as T if it is an instance of DataSourceAction associated with given key.