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abstract fun client(client: HttpClient)

Sets a client for this DataSourceResolver. It overwrites previous HttpDataSourceResolverConfigScope.client calls.

abstract fun client(config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit)

Sets an instance of HttpClient with given config for this DataSourceResolver. It overwrites previous HttpDataSourceResolverConfigScope.client calls.

abstract fun client(engine: HttpClientEngine, config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit)

Sets an instance of HttpClient with given config and engine for this DataSourceResolver. It overwrites previous HttpDataSourceResolverConfigScope.client calls.

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Associates this key with HttpEndpoint provided by provider.

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Associates this key with endpoint.


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HttpErrorMapper that is injected into HttpEndpoints that returns null from HttpEndpoint.errorMapper.

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abstract var dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher

Dispatcher that is used only to transformations associated with HTTP endpoint. Actual HTTP call is performed with dispatcher associated with HttpClient.