Package-level declarations


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The scope for building a DispatchClosure.

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The scope for building a middlewares pipeline.

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interface Store<out State> : DispatchScope<State>

This is an equivalent of Redux store. However, there are a few differences:

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annotation class StoreBuilderDsl
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The scope for building a Store.


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Provides a DSL for building a Store.

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fun <State> previewStore(initialState: State, initialClosure: DispatchClosure = EmptyDispatchClosure, reducer: Reducer<State> = { state, _ -> state }): Store<State>

Creates a simplified Store implementation for UI previews.

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fun <State> Store(initialState: State, reducer: Reducer<State>, middlewares: List<Middleware<State>>, initialClosure: DispatchClosure): Store<State>

Creates a Store. This is an alternative to buildStore, which is a recommended way of creating a Store.