
Allows to register a foreground job. It is responsible for passing Job reference outside the store, so it can be awaited or cancelled. By default, the store contains EmptyForegroundJobRegistry inside its closure. Functions like dispatchJob use local closure mechanism to replace it with SingleForegroundJobRegistry. launchForeground directly refers to local ForegroundJobRegistry.


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abstract fun consume(): Job

Returns registered foreground job or throws.

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abstract fun consumeOrNull(): Job?

Returns registered foreground job or null.

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open override fun <T : DispatchClosure.Element> find(key: DispatchClosure.Key<T>): T?

Returns Element associated with the key or null.

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open operator override fun <T : DispatchClosure.Element> get(key: DispatchClosure.Key<T>): T

Returns Element associated with the key or throws MissingClosureElementException.

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open operator override fun minus(key: DispatchClosure.Key<*>): DispatchClosure

Returns a closure without the element with a given key

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open operator fun plus(closure: DispatchClosure): DispatchClosure

Combines this closure with incoming closure. If both closures contain elements with the same keys, the ones from the incoming closure remain.

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abstract fun register(job: Job)

Registers a foreground job.

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Returns elements form this DispatchClosure as a Map.


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open override val key: ForegroundJobRegistry.Key

Key of this element.


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fun DispatchClosure.launchForeground(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job

Launches a foreground job using this closure. By default, it's launched in a scope provided by DispatchCoroutineScope. This behaviour might be changed by dispatchJobIn or joinDispatchJob. Because this function uses local closure, calling it outside dispatch should not be done, because it might result in unexpected behaviour.

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Returns this closure with local changes.

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inline fun DispatchClosure.registeringJob(closure: DispatchClosure = EmptyDispatchClosure, newFrame: Boolean = false, block: DispatchClosure.() -> Unit): Job

Runs block that must register a foreground job. It adds SingleForegroundJobRegistry to local closure to allow proper job registration. Local closure change creates a new frame if newFrame is true.

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inline fun <T> DispatchClosure.withLocalClosure(closure: DispatchClosure, newFrame: Boolean = false, block: DispatchClosure.() -> T): T

Changes LocalClosureContainer with a given closure for a time of block execution.